About us

    This E-Learning Program was developed in by the National Suicide Research Foundation in Ireland, in collaboration with the World Health Organisation.

    The National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) is an independent, multi-disciplinary research unit that investigates the causes of suicide and self-harm in Ireland. NSRF research team members come from a broad range of disciplines, including epidemiology, psychology, psychiatry and biostatistics.  They undertake research into varying topics relating to suicide and self-harm in Ireland. Based on this research and its findings, they provide the knowledge base for suicide prevention, intervention and postvention strategies. The NSRF also provides training and positive mental health promotional programs to a variety of audiences.

    The NSRF is a registered charity (CHY11351) based in Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Ireland and is the WHO Collaborating Center for Surveillance and Research in Suicide Prevention.

    To contact us regarding our courses, email: info@nsrf.ie

    To find out more visit: www.nsrf.ie